Saturday, 12 November 2011

Tattoo Removal - What Are the Choices?

In recent years as tattooing has become more popular so has the demand for tattoo removal treatments. There are a number of reasons why someone may want a tattoo removed including a changing body shape which distorts the design or a change of relationships. Often tattoos that look "cool" when young are completely in appropriate as one climbs the age and career ladders. The good news is that for those looking for a tattoo removal treatment is that there is a choice. The bad news is they can be both painful and expensive.

One of the most popular methods of tattoo removal involves laser surgery. The basic idea is that a burst of laser light is directed on to the tattoo which breaks up the ink. Once the ink has broken up the bodies natural skin shedding system will dispose of it. How effective and quickly a design can be removed will depend in part on the colors of the inks used in the tattoo. Dark inks break up reasonably easily but the lighter colors may need several treatments. Again the larger the tattoo the greater number of treatments will be required and this can prove to be expensive.

Another option is to have the tattoo removed by surgical excision which involves having the tattooed skin removed. In the case of a small tattoo the surgeon may be able to suture the skin but in the case of larger designs a skin graft might be requires. Again this can be an expensive option.

Another technique which is not quite so popular these days is Dermabrasion which involves freezing the skin and then abraiding or sanding to remove the design. Great care has to be taken to avoid scaring using this method. Although in fact there is no treatment which can guarantee returning your skin to the state it was before you had the tattoo.

Currently there are a range of tattoo removal creams on the market; some are considerably more effective than others. Often using a cream can be a slow process requiring numerous applications but some people have reported good results using creams.

It should be borne in mind that whatever tattoo removal treatment you decide upon your skin pigmentation will undergo a change. Those having such treatments are often advised to avoid strong sunlight and apply a factored sunscreen to the area of the tattoo site. Tattoo removal can be a long, painful and expensive process and the best advise anyone contemplating having a tattoo is to "think before you ink".

If you are looking for more information about Tattoo Removal visit our website at where you can find another option that is well worth considering.

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