Sunday, 13 November 2011

Advice On Picking Your Next Tattoo

For a lot of people they think about getting their next tattoo days after they got their last one. This is normal and the reason I wanted to bring this up is because you need to think about your tattoos before you get one. What some people do is they will walk into a tattoo shop and simply pick something out that they like. Since a tattoo is permanent you will need to think about what you are going to get and make sure that you love it unconditionally.

Advice On Picking Your Next Tattoo

Take Your Time - It is important to spend a little bit of time to think about your next tattoo. The reason why you need to take your time is because when people rush a decision it will normally come out wrong. Do yourself a favor and if you are thinking about getting a tattoo make sure that you spend at least 1 week contemplating the final design. I know this might seem like a long time but it really isn't.

Get Something Small - I have tattoos so I know that sometimes you want to get something big that makes a statement but sometimes that is not the best way to go. If you are going to get something big then go ahead and plan for it, but get small tattoos that make up a big piece. The reason I recommend getting something small and then expanding on it is because you won't be able to tell when enough is enough until you actually see it on your body.

Customize It - The final tip is to just customize your tattoo. If you are looking at something on the internet then I would print off the picture and see about adding little things to it to make it your own. It is important to make a tattoo all about you as you can because in the end it will be permanently inked on your body.

The last thing that you need to understand is that every tattoo is different so don't worry if yours is a little different from what you were originally thinking. If you are going to get some advice from a tattoo artist then that is a good idea just make sure that you don't change your entire plan just because somebody told you to, remember this is your tattoo. Whether you are getting shoulder blade tattoos or something on your forearm, you need to get something that YOU love because that is all that matters.

Of there is one tattoo that I would get it would be shoulder blade tattoos.

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