Saturday, 12 November 2011

Tattoo Ideas for Men and Women

Skin art is an acquired taste, but once you have made the decision to get inked the next thing to think about is where on your body you want the design. Choosing the right tattoo design can be quite challenging. So if you simply love getting tattoos, this will be a breath of fresh air.

There are thousands of different tattoo designs to choose from and the number is always growing. There are more designs than you will ever need. Your only headache will be deciding which tattoo is the one for you.

You might be one of those people who have always known what design you are after and have just been waiting for the opportunity to get the tattoo inked. However, you may also be the type who can never quite make up their mind about which tattoo will suit you best. If this sounds like you then you need to do your homework before making that critical decision.

If you are after some inspiration why not take a look at the internet where you will find hundreds of ideas to feed your imagination. You will also be able to read about other peoples experiences which will help you in your decision to go ahead with your first tattoo.

You should also remember that the decision to have a tattoo should not be taken lightly. If you are at all unsure I suggest you go for a temporary tattoo first and see how you feel with that before taking the leap to a permanent inking.

I have spoken to many people who have regretted their decision to have a tattoo. This is normally because the design they have chosen has been one they have not liked over time. My first tip is not to select your design on a whim. Think about why you are having your tattoo and what it signifies.

My second tip is to think about where on your body you have the tattoo. Do you want the tattoo to be visible when you are fully clothed or would you rather have a more discreet tattoo that only you and your loved ones know about? Tattoos in the workplace are often frowned upon as unprofessional so think about how this will affect you and your career.

My final tip is to make sure you are in the right frame of mind when getting inked. If you are not this might lead to a design that you later regret.

Rad Woodeson has been reviewing products and services for over a decade now. His latest passion is tattoos and all the weird and wonderful designs that are available on the market today. Deciding to have a tattoo is a big decision so Rad has decided to look at the various options available to people on the internet. Take a look at his latest article on tattoo me now.

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